We aim to promote balance and harmony within the body. With our holistic approach, we consider lifestyle factors, nutrition, stress management, and individualized therapies to support the body's natural hormones and healing processes. By addressing root causes and supporting the body's innate capacity to heal we offer a more sustainable and long-term approach to achieving optimal health and wellness.
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Prevention Beats Rescue.
A service designed to be your annual snapshot of your
personal health metrics related to longevity and cognitive function.
In addition to the usual Complete Blood Count (CBC), Chemistry Profile and lipid panel, included are less commonly tested factors. Hemoglobin A1c gives a better picture of blood sugar averaged over 3 months, homocysteine points to a genetic defect in detoxification that many people have (but don’t know it). Hs-CRP is a measure of inflammation in the cardio vascular system that is the precursor of heart disease in many cases. G6PD shows us if you are a candidate for certain therapies or they might be harmful for you, such as high dose Vitamin C drips and others. A complete hormone profile is ordered, as well as markers for thyroid and adrenal health. All the factors can be influenced by treatment, so downstream issues never develop.
This test will show thirty different nutrients within the cells of your immune system. By knowing what is missing, and what is in excess, a rational plan for supplements and dietary changes can be based on your personalized information, rathe than your friend’s recommendations or the latest podcast you may have heard.
A standardized cognitive test, used in research and clinical practice, that will show how well your brain is functioning today. 12 different executive functions of the brain are tested on your home computer. Based on your testing and risk factors, a brain health program can be designed for your needs, and progress can be documented through repeated cognitive testing every 6 months to a year. No one develops dementia overnight and warning signs are present years in advance. Why wait to start supporting a healthy brain for life?
This unique new laboratory offers the ultimate age testing based on the Nobel prize winning research by Dr Steven Horvath. He showed that the methylation pattern of DNA can be analyzed to show a person’s “intrinsic age”, that is their biological age, as opposed to their actual (chronological) age. The test also measures your “rate of aging”, which can be slowed through certain natural means. Finally the test measures the length of your telomeres, the protective tips of your DNA.
The longer the telomeres, the more replications your cells can safely undergo without damage. The longer the telomeres, the longer your life can potentially be.
Clearly, one goal of a well-lived life is that the number of healthy years exactly matches the number of your lived years. For that, the body requires good nutrition, a challenging (but not too stressful) life with purpose, loving friends and family and lots of movement. To help you navigate your way there, we offer this Longevity Report Card. It is recommended to repeat your LRC every 1-2 years.
Putting it all together, once your labs are in, a visit with the doctor will generate a plan of action for the year. Adherence to the program will result in measurable benefits on your next evaluation.
The brain, bones, skin, hair, even liver, kidneys, heart - in fact all tissues in the body benefit from a youthful hormone environment. After menopause, with decreased and unbalanced hormones, women experience unwanted weight gain, hair loss, sleep disturbances, loss of interest in sex, dryness of the mucus membranes all over the body - especially the vagina,- bladder issues, hot flashes, mood swings and all the other ailments of the stage in a woman’s life.
Men have a less dramatic transition, but in later life the dominance of testosterone is replaced by excess estrogen. Men don’t sleep as well, they gain belly fat, breast fat, and become even grumpier. A dab of testosterone promotes muscle growth and fat loss, as well as restoring youthful libido. Performance depends also on good blood circulation, but without hormones it cannot be achieved. We can address circulatory problems too.
Safety issues are always first in mind. Monitoring of natural hormone balance and metabolites makes cancer extremely unlikely, - unlike with patented, synthetic hormones and hormones from other species (Premarin is made from the urine of pregnant mares). Paramount is the proper administration - estrogen should not be given by mouth, progesterone must be given topically or vaginally even if you swallow it in a capsule at
night - they do not function in the same way. We do not offer intradermal pellets -they do not offer flexibility in dosing, and risk scarring and local infections. They do offer convenience at a premium cost, but you must get them elsewhere.
With over 30 years experience prescribing bio identical (natural, same as human hormones but made from plant materials) hormones for women and men, Dr Roberts is an expert in the field. She herself has used these hormones for decades, and finds them life supportive.
If you want the best quality of life then customized hormones should be a part of your life now and forever.
Hormones allow you to “age like a rotisserie chicken - slow, juicy, and hot!”
When faced with a chronic illness of any kind, finding a doctor who understands how to find, and treat, the cause or causes of the illness can be very difficult.
In medical school we learn how to label a set of symptoms. This we call “making a diagnosis”. This can be helpful to give the patient a name for their suffering, which gives a measure of relief that what you have is “real”. Then the established “standard of care” comes into play, and the protocol of drug therapy, surgery and radiation can be deployed.
Rarely is an effort made to determine if this problem stems from poor diet, lack of proper exercise, excessive stress, infections, mold and toxin exposure, or other causes that might be actionable.
Usually the very actions that would have prevented the illness in the first place, are the very things that will roll it back. The body is ready and willing to heal, it has strategies and mechanisms that evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. Why not enlist the healing power of the body, with or without modern drugs?
Second opinions with Dr Roberts can help get you off medications, or, if you must - or choose - to stay on them, give you a roadmap for healing beyond the so called standard of care.
Of course, as in any area of medicine, results are rarely 100%. But the gentler, more supportive treatments that we recommend can be used in a complementary fashion, - with or without “standard of care” treatment. Quality of life is improved, as are outcomes for those open enough to seek them out and do the necessary work. When faced with a serious illness, why not look outside the proverbial box? Dr Roberts can be your guide.
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The power of natural medicine lies in its ability to harness the body's own healing mechanisms.